National Scientific Strategies in Tropical Soil Sciences

Deux articles à partir d’une analyse de la production scientifique des sciences du sol dans les pays tropicaux (pédologie). Où il est montré que 50% de la production émane des pays en développement (et non pas 5% !).

  • Arvanitis, Rigas et Yvon Chatelin (1988) "National Scientific Strategies in Tropical Soil Sciences." Social Studies of Science 18(1) : 113-146.


A bibliometric analysis of the publications on tropical soils and agriculture shows that different strategies can be found across countries, in the way scientists publish and disseminate their results, choose their research topics (fertilization and microbiology of soil being the research priorities in the Third World), and distribute their effort across fields. We propose some indicators measuring these orientations, and a reconsideration of the data sources used in the evaluation of research activity in the Third World, and of the influence of the North on the South, since we have found that Third World production is substantially higher than is usually estimated. Finally, we indicate some guidelines for policy definition in the light of these results, focusing on the necessity of an active and mobile scientific community, and of more important communication between scientists working in similar ecological environments.

Arvanitis et Chatelin, Social Studies of Science

Il existe une version remaniée :

  • Arvanitis, Rigas et Yvon Chatelin (1992). Bibliometrics of Tropical Soil Sciences : Some reflections and orientations. The literature of the soil science. Peter Mc Donald. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press : 73-94.

    Soil Science Literature - Orientation and reflections
Posté le 31 janvier 2006