Is policy effective for developing innovation in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA) region ?

Queries based on empirical material at the level of firms and the State

Communication présentée à la conférence Mediterranean Research Meeting 2011, Workshop Innovation and Productivity in the Middle East and North Africa Region (co-direction Juliane Brach et Rigas Avanitis).

by Rigas Arvanitis, IRD


Most policies oriented towards technological development have been thought of in a top-down fashion and by focusing on the policy offer or the technology offer coming from the public research organizations and universities. Incentive schemes and promotion of technology have been of less interest to companies and generally the business sector seems to respond indirectly to incentives into technological development. Empirical evidence, nonetheless, is scarce and mostly based at the macro-economic level, making impossible any analysis at he micro and regional level corresponding to the setting-up of an innovation system.

The work presented here will be based on an extensive review of policies aimed at technological development in businesses and the economy in Maghreb and Machreq Mediterranean countries. It will rely on the work undertaken by policy-makers in the Euro-Mediterranean policy-exchange platform MIRA (of which he author has been one of its proposers). Finally, the author will confront this empirical material with a more theoretical appraisal aimed at understanding the governance and incentive patterns in the region.

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Si vous voulez une copie du papier m’envoyer un mail. Sinon lire aussi :

  • Arvanitis, Rigas, Hatem M’Henni & Lena Tsipouri (2010) ’Y a-t-il une gouvernance des systèmes d’innovation dans les pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient ? ’, Maghreb-Machrek Hiver 2009-2010(202):65-84.
  • Arvanitis, Rigas & Hatem M’henni (2010) ’Monitoring Research and Innovation Policies in the Mediterranean Region’, Science Technology & Society 15(2):233-69.

In case you want a copy of the paper, please send me mail.

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Posté le 10 avril 2011